Would You rather...spend 5 years in prison,or spend 15 years under house arrest?Would You rather...get attacked by a shark,or get beaten up with a baseball bat?Would You rather...be adopted,or adopt a child right now?Would You rather...be a pet for one day,or Your animal is human for one day?Reklama Would You rather...earn millions and not be able to leave Your province,or earn and live a normal life?Would You rather...tell only the truth,or always lie?Reklama Would You rather...eat everything You see,or lick everything You touch?Would You rather...only look up,or only look down?Would You rather...run at 100 km / h,or fly at 10 km / h?Would You rather...have a clown makeup for the rest of Your life,or wear clown clothing for the rest of Your life?Reklama 0 Super! 25 Follow author Add to favorites Have you noticed a typo or error? Write to us. Please let us know what the mistake is, since you've noticed it already. This will allow us to correct it faster. Send
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