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don’t like you, T-Series
Nothing personal, kid
But I must go all out
Just this once
Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be?
Sit the f*** down, T-Series, I’m here to spill the real tea
You tryna dethrone me from spot on number one
But you India, you lose, so best think you haven’t won
When I’m through with you we’re gonna be completely f***ing done
‘Cause we only just begun, I review you, zero, bye bitch, gone
So come on, T-Series, looking hungry for some drama
Here, let me serve you bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series ain’t nothing but a bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
Look at T-Series, they just crying for their momma
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series ain’t nothing but a bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series just wet themselves in their


don’t like you, T-Series
Nothing personal, kid
But I must go all out
Just this once
Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be?
Sit the f*** down, T-Series, I’m here to spill the real tea
You tryna dethrone me from spot on number one
But you India, you lose, so best think you haven’t won
When I’m through with you we’re gonna be completely f***ing done
‘Cause we only just begun, I review you, zero, bye bitch, gone
So come on, T-Series, looking hungry for some drama
Here, let me serve you bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series ain’t nothing but a bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
Look at T-Series, they just crying for their momma
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series ain’t nothing but a bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series just wet themselves in their


don’t like you, T-Series
Nothing personal, kid
But I must go all out
Just this once
Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be?
Sit the f*** down, T-Series, I’m here to spill the real tea
You tryna dethrone me from spot on number one
But you India, you lose, so best think you haven’t won
When I’m through with you we’re gonna be completely f***ing done
‘Cause we only just begun, I review you, zero, bye bitch, gone
So come on, T-Series, looking hungry for some drama
Here, let me serve you bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series ain’t nothing but a bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
Look at T-Series, they just crying for their momma
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series ain’t nothing but a bitch lasagna
Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna
T-Series just wet themselves in their



Nowsza wersja :3

To jest nutka —–> 🎵🐱
Nutka wita tylko super profile. Jeśli znalazła się na twoim, masz szczęście 🍀!
Ale oznacza to też że:
~Jesteś super osobą,
~Lubię Cię bardzo,
~Robisz wszystko piękne,
~Robisz super quizy ,
~Robisz super grafiki!
~Zasługujesz na ulu!
Autor/ka: @Magic.Cat





@Magic.Cat Bardzo dziękuję 🙄



To jest nutka —–> 🎵🐱
Nutka wita tylko super profile. Jeśli znalazła się na twoim, masz szczęście 🍀!
Ale oznacza to też że:
~Jesteś super osobą,
~Lubię Cię bardzo,
~Robisz wszystko piękne,
~Robisz super quizy ,
~Robisz super grafiki!
Autor/ka: @Magic.Cat
