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141 Super!
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Kazakhstan Your beauty is associated with Kazakhstan! Your characteristic features are pale yellow skin, straight, soft hair and dark eyes. Body type: short head, short or very short people, wide face, concave and wide nose, stocky, strong figure. You’re probably also short, but you have a strong figure. Do you agree with the result? Be sure to write in the comment! O, mój brachol 💀
Kazakhstan Your beauty is associated with Kazakhstan! Your characteristic features are pale yellow skin, straight, soft hair and dark eyes. Body type: short head, short or very short people, wide face, concave and wide nose, stocky, strong figure. You’re probably also short, but you have a strong figure. Do you agree with the result? Be sure to write in the comment!
Your beauty is associated with Iceland! Your characteristic features are very light skin, blond hair and blue eyes. You are tall and slim. You are probably hypersensitive to the sun. Do you agree with the result? Be sure to write in the comment!
Your beauty is associated with Kazakhstan! Your characteristic features are pale yellow skin, straight, soft hair and dark eyes. Body type: short head, short or very short people, wide face, concave and wide nose, stocky, strong figure. You’re probably also short, but you have a strong figure. Do you agree with the result? Be sure to write in the comment!
O, mój brachol 💀
i am from japan and… interesting…
Your beauty is associated with Kazakhstan! Your characteristic features are pale yellow skin, straight, soft hair and dark eyes. Body type: short head, short or very short people, wide face, concave and wide nose, stocky, strong figure. You’re probably also short, but you have a strong figure. Do you agree with the result? Be sure to write in the comment!
Kazakhstan :0 Great quiz😊
Your beauty is associated with Iceland! Your characteristic features are very light skin, blond hair and blue eyes. You are tall and slim. You are probably hypersensitive to the sun. Do you agree with the result? Be sure to write in the comment!
It’s possible
Montenegro but a similar quiz in Polish said Russia… I am very very Slav and use cyryllic on daily basis so xD
Kazakhstan 👌